Am I Too Old to Make New Friends?

How to make friends in the modern world.

Marilù Iacona
3 min readJul 27, 2021
photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

My recent breakup with my best friend left me with a hole that needs to be filled and a lot of questions that need answers to.

How exactly do you make new friends as an adult?

This question has been haunting me for a long time now, basically since I finished High School and traded it for adulthood.

I have friends in my life, of course, but they’re all connected to my previous experiences, mostly to school.

There’s a huge variety of people you meet in your life, depending on the situation you find yourself in: school friends and then people you meet on vacation with whom you text afterwards but for no more than two months.

You have the mama friends which is this group of people you meet when you have friends with babies and apparently, they like to stick together, like a private club you’re granted permission to only if your boobs show the marks of baby piranha teets or if you’re pregnant.

I have neither.

People you meet at work can be tricky ones: are they friends or are they hanging out with you to know all your secrets and use them to take you down?



Marilù Iacona

Writer & Book Blogger. I write about Personal Growth & Relationships and spend too much time online eating books for breakfast.